The Demon Secret by Dan Gindlesperger

The Demon Secret by Dan Gindlesperger

The Demon Secret by Dan Gindlesperger

Father Luke, a trained exorcist, uncovers sacred knowledge hidden in time while removing demons from the innocent. These truths put his own life and the lives of those he cares about in grave danger from every direction. Based near Washington, DC, where greed and With deception are around every corner, lie these dangerous secrets, ones that threaten the very fabric of our human world.

The Demon Secret by Dan Gindlesperger

About the Author

I am a new writer with a passion for storytelling. When I read a book, I want to be able to smell the air, feel the warmth and be immersed in the world that is before me. This is how I want my work to feel to the readers, like they are more than readers, that are part of the journey.

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