The Diseased by SM Thomas

The Diseased by SM Thomas

What would you do if you woke up to the question “Where is your husband?” As you lay in a hospital bed, unsure of how you got there, would panic or denial hold you in that moment? And what if the people asking you that question repeatedly were Government Agents who should have no interest in your missing spouse? All of this is faced by Paige Hanson when she wakes up in hospital after an accident she can’t remember. Her husband Leo hasn’t been seen since the night before and try as she might, she can’t remember their last conversation. Having had a photographic memory since early childhood, Paige now finds her memories hazy, unpredictable and confusing, and yet is willing to do whatever it takes to find Leo and bring him home – even if that means turning to the one person she swore never to rely on. All she has to go on is her gut instincts and the last two words that Leo secretly left behind. But as Paige comes to terms with what is happening around her, she is suspicious of those interested in Leo and his disappearance. In order to protect Leo, Paige is determined to uncover the truth and find out why this message had to be hidden. But once she starts on this murky road, is it too late to turn back or will it change the course of her life forever?

The Diseased by SM Thomas

About the Author

S.M Thomas; or Steph as she’s more commonly known, has been writing since she could hold a pencil. Even at a very young age she had an interest in the other wordly aspect of the written word and could often be found writing about aliens, magic and everything in between. In 2018 she independently published her debut novel The Light – a dark, dystopian world in which the survivors of the human race are struggling against a foe they can’t see. In 2022 she opened her own publishing house and published The Diseased – a novel that has been described as reviews as a psychological, medical high tech thriller with a dash of sci fi. It follows Dr Paige Hanson as the mystery of her missing husband begins to pull the curtain back on the society, and people, around her. One day she hopes to find another author to take alongside her on the publishing journey but for now she’s concentrating on continuing Paige Hanson’s story with Body Count due out in 2023.

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