The Mind Is Its Own Place by T.M. Cicinski

The Mind Is Its Own Place by T.M. Cicinski

The Mind Is Its Own Place by T.M. Cicinski

A collection of one hundred and thirty-six stories, sketches and parables, The Mind Is Its Own Place challenges readers to examine their own beliefs and assumptions on themes ranging from love and sex, to death, religion, conflict, beauty, race and violence.

Sharply insightful, humorous, poignant and all beautifully crafted, the stories are as extraordinary in their variety and breadth of literary vision, as they are in the multitude of their potential interpretations.

From elderly lovers to young couples; university professors, escorts, students and bartenders, to refugees, torturers, soldiers, tramps, politicians, circus performers, nurses, doctors and philosophers; even down to the cats and mice of the streets of Granada, hardly a stone is left unturned in this vivid portrait of the modern world.

The Mind Is Its Own Place by T.M. Cicinski

About the Author

T.M Cicinski is a 36 year old, British-born literary fiction novelist and short story writer, currently living and working in Granada, Spain. The Mind Is Its Own Place is his second collection of short stories.

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