The Paris Soulmate by Brooke Gilbert

The Paris Soulmate by Brooke Gilbert

The Paris Soulmate by Brooke Gilbert

A woman with autoimmune disorders & a “no dating policy.” A mysterious, cocky British stranger. A dream trip to Paris. What could go wrong? Reeling from the reality of turning 30 soon, Christine decides to take her bucket list trip. She has always dreamed of going back to Paris, but since being diagnosed with several rare autoimmune disorders, she never imagined she would get the chance to return. Now she finds herself on her way to the city of love with an unexpected surprise. An extremely handsome British stranger seems to have mysteriously fallen onto her path. Is it just a coincidence they are both traveling to the city of love at the same time? It all seems too good to be true. If you like clean romance novels, feel-good novels, and romantic comedy books for women, then you’ll love The Paris Soulmate. Will Christine find what she’s looking for in Paris? Click the BUY NOW button at the top to start traveling with Christine and Colin today. The Paris Soulmate is a sweet romance, for clean and wholesome romance readers, in a charming debut from author Brooke Gilbert. This romantic comedy is the perfect way to travel to Paris while staying in your pjs. You will laugh, cry, and fall in love with the characters. It’s a beautiful literary ride. This is a clean novel. Descriptive kissing only. No cursing. Some adult humor. Faith conversations included. Trigger warnings: mild medical episodes and medical discussions.

The Paris Soulmate by Brooke Gilbert

About the Author

Brooke Gilbert is a Tennessee native, a microbiology graduate of the University of Tennessee, and a border collie mom. She is, as you may have already guessed, a hopeless romantic and a lover of Jane Austen. When she isn’t writing, she works as a jewelry designer, an audiobook narrator, and a graphic designer. Her writing features characters with autoimmune disorders, something she deals with herself. She believes it is important for these types of characters to be seen in modern literature and started writing so she could see someone like herself in literature. She is considered a medical mystery and has several rare autoimmune disorders. These disorders caused her to withdraw from Physician Assistant School, but she is happy to be pursuing her dreams of designing, creating, and writing. She thanks God for leading her heart on this new path and recites “perhaps this is the moment for which you were created” in times of doubt (Esther 4:14). She loves watching classic films (thrillers and romantic comedies, too), reading, playing the ukulele, painting, dancing, Pilates, and spending time with her dog, family, and friends. One of her favorite quotes is from Flashdance: “When you give up on your dreams, you die.” She believes that if you’re waiting to pursue your dreams, stop waiting and start doing. Your time is now. And may you never stop being a hopeless romantic. Contrary to popular belief, it’s a very good quality. She’s still looking for her Mr. Darcy. Visit to connect and stay updated on her latest projects.

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