The Red Kin by Elena Press

The Red Kin by Elena Press

The Red Kin by Elena Press

The Red Kin: The Story of the Witch

In the novel “The Red Kin. The Story of the Witch”, you can expect an exhilarating journey into a world of magic, intrigue, and inner conflicts. Eternal vampires, enigmatic creatures, and humans, interweaving their destinies, unravel a complex web of events and decisions.

The Red Kin by Elena Press

About the Author

“The Red Kin: The Story of the Witch”. This project has been a long-awaited creative achievement for me, and I can’t help but share it with all of you.
Every page of this book is filled with my passion and inspiration. I invite you to immerse yourselves in this amazing world and support me on this journey.
Your support is what gives me strength and motivation to move forward.

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