The Short Story Emporium by Justin Bienvenue

The Short Story Emporium by Justin Bienvenue

The Short Story Emporium by Justin Bienvenue

Discover a collection of 8 stories that become more compelling and engrossing one after the other…

Genres such as horror, crime, historical fiction, literary fiction

Nightstalkers & Lycanhawks- a bloody battle between vampires and werewolves
Labyrinth of Torture- A notorious serial killer is on the prowl
The Liberationist- An over-zealous king must flee his own country
The Kryptonite Room- An egomaniac seeks revenge on an ignorant society
Solitary Confession- A preacher tries to change a small town with unholy beliefs
The Hercules Hotel- A mogul with OCD turns his plane into a hotel
The Golden Ballroom- A baron holds a lavish New Year’s Eve party to die for…
Dead President’s Society- lesser-known presidents are resurrected to become detectives to retrieve an important artifact.

The Short Story Emporium by Justin Bienvenue

About the Author

Justin Bienvenue is a New England-based writer and poet of 12 books. He is the author of the psychological horror series The Wax Factory and of the horror poetry series The Macabre Masterpiece.

Justin is a big football fan(Sundays are for football), he’s never drank coffee(gets fuel from Mountain Dew Code Red), and The Shining is his favorite movie(He has 5 Shining shirts and even the rug). Due to his fascination with the unexplained and belief in the bizarre, he hopes to one day become a Ufologist. He is also interested in Egyptology and has a good shelf-size collection of Egyptian artifacts.

He is the host of the Youtube series Mystery Unsolved and Mystery Ghost Stories, where he discusses some of the world’s most unsolved mysteries, conspiracy theories, and paranormal ghost stories.

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