The Strange Gift of Estrangement by Sheila Texeira

The Strange Gift of Estrangement by Sheila Texeira

The Strange Gift of Estrangement by Sheila Texeira

Estrangement is fast becoming an epidemic in the world. 1 in 8 parents of adult children are estranged from at least one adult child. Many suffer in silence and shame. This books serves to make the reader aware of the problem and turn it into a positive by taking this time to reflect on their life, and make changes were necessary, to live their best life. All the dreams that were thrown to the wayside in the name of parenting, can now be reclaimed and chased.

The Strange Gift of Estrangement by Sheila Texeira

About the Author

Sheila Texeira is a retired RN who worked primarily in Corrections and Forensic Psych. She has long been fascinated with the inner workings of the human mind since the age of 10, when she watched a stage hypnosis show at the county fair. Convincing her mother to by the hypnotist’s book, she believed she would be able to make people act silly too. But that was not the case. Through the book she learned self-hypnosis. Decades later she certified in Hypnotherapy, NLP and Life Coaching. Unfortunately her children made the choice to estrange themselves and through her struggle, this book was born.

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