The Whispering Staircase by LaToya Lawrence

The Whispering Staircase by LaToya Lawrence

The Whispering Staircase by LaToya Lawrence

 In the beautiful county of Luxaha on the coast of the Notaro Bay shores above the Tomosa river in the city of Winterly, Virginia sits the luxurious home of the wealthy African American Dorrance family who propitiously struck gold in the oil and gas industry.

Inside the extravagant mansion covered on lush, opulent grounds—filled with amenity and high-end living—lies a dark secret waiting to become unfold.

When Deane Dorrance arrives home one night to find that a seemingly accidental death had taken place on the staircase like the incident on the staircase that had taken place seven years before the woman views the occurrence as an eerie coincidence.

When a police investigation reveals the death on the steps resulted from murder the case becomes open and shut then solved once the killer was learned and later found deceased.

After the case closes and time moves on whispering clues start to speak of a mystery that sinuously hides beneath. Turnabouts behind the connection of the staircase surround to expose a sinister truth of lies betrayal, greed, and shock.

The Whispering Staircase by LaToya Lawrence

About the Author

LaToya has enjoyed her love and hobby for writing that she turned into a professional career.

Publishing her first two books over twenty years ago marked the beginning of a journey for many more books to come in this prolific author’s talented history.

Born and raised in Queens, New York LaToya was presented with the offer to get published by a mainstream publisher at the age of eleven.

A natural-born writer who is extremely creative, intuitive, and ahead of her time as she was born with extra sensory perception Latoya knew by age twelve where her destiny would take her as an artist in her lifetime.

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