The World of Adam Dunne by Tobor Eichmann

The World of Adam Dunne by Tobor Eichmann

The World of Adam Dunne by Tobor Eichmann

Adam Dunne is tormented. He has a secret locked inside of him and only he holds the key.

Horrifying visions haunt him day and night.

As Adam unravels the mystery surrounding his past, he discovers that the world around him isn’t what it seems.

The World of Adam Dunne by Tobor Eichmann

About the Author

Tobor Eichmann was born in Pennsylvania and grew up in a middle-class suburb of Philadelphia and has lived in various places throughout the world. He is an author and self-proclaimed independent thinker. He writes fiction, non-fiction and general interest books.

He has a passion for writing about social issues that relate to the inner workings of the human mind. He holds a Masters degree in Information Technology. It was in Europe where Tobor began creating works of fiction and non-fiction in his spare time.

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