Transformed by Jokobus Windvogel
“Transformed” is the latest installment in a series of books that explore the spiritual nature of transformation. Rather than being a political statement or worldly issue, transformation has always been and will continue to be a deeply spiritual process. This book is essential for any Christian seeking personal growth and a deeper connection with the Lord.
At its core, being transformed means being born in the image of Jesus Christ, who came as the firstborn of many brothers and sisters. He took on human likeness so that we could be born into His image, thereby restoring our relationship with the Father as it was intended from the beginning.
“Transformed” guides readers on a journey of self-discovery, helping them understand their true identity in Christ and empowering them to walk in the likeness of Christ. It emphasizes that being transformed is a process of being born from, out of, and into Christ, ultimately leading to a profound spiritual transformation.