Trifling Heifer by Melissa Hudson: The Backstabbing Schemes of a Vengeful Vixen

Trifling Heifer by Melissa Hudson_ The Backstabbing Schemes of a Vengeful Vixen

Trifling Heifer by Melissa Hudson

When Raja Nix, a very dangerous woman, sets her sights on her best friend’s NFL star husband, Lance Baker, she’ll stop at nothing to steal him, even if it means destroying his career and marriage in the process.

Trifling Heifer by Melissa Hudson

About the Author

Melissa Hudson obtained an MFA degree in English and creative writing, a Master’s degree in education, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology. She is an Amazon Bestselling Author of several ebooks.

Ms. Hudson has appeared on two national television talk shows and spoken on various radio channels across the country. She was also featured in an International Women’s magazine and was named an International Woman of Faith for her extraordinary passion to spread the fame of Jesus Christ. She enjoys reading, writing, traveling, spending time with her son, and most of all, living a life that is pleasing to God.

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