Unexpected Journey of Life by Nivedita MK

Unexpected Journey of Life by Nivedita MK

Unexpected Journey of Life by Nivedita MK

Nina, a young woman who had lost hope in true love, decides to go on a vacation with her friends. Their journey through the forest turns tragic as unforeseen twists bring chaos. Her past love made her stay away from men because of the emotional setback. Fate splashes unexpected turns to test her resilience, leaving her to face the music. The quest for Nina to find true love relies on fate and the universe.

Unexpected Journey of Life by Nivedita MK

About the Author

I’m an undergraduate degree holder with a deep passion for writing novels. I channel my creativity and love for storytelling into crafting compelling narratives that captivate readers. Whether exploring complex characters, weaving intricate plots, or delving into unique worlds, writing is where I find my true voice.

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