Veronica: The Woman with the Issue of Blood by Lucinda Weeks

Veronica: The Woman with the Issue of Blood by Lucinda Weeks

Veronica has faith that just one touch from Jesus is all that she needs to bring healing to her body and restoration to her life and her soul. As a grieving young widow, Veronica has made a terrible decision, one that has destroyed her health and ultimately rips her family apart. Her condition has ravished her body. Her issue of blood has forced her to live as an outcast, cut off and rejected by society. She is labeled as unclean. Desperate to get her children back, Veronica spends everything she has seeking out doctors and undergoing barbaric medical procedures, hoping to find a cure. Her medical treatments seem to do no good but leave her worse off than before. Just when Veronica is about to give up hope of seeing her children again, she hears about the great physician, Jesus! She has heard that Jesus has healed many; he has restored the sight to the blind and cleansed the lepers. She knows that he has the power to heal her. When Veronica encounters Jesus she finds everything, she has been looking for and more.

Veronica: The Woman with the Issue of Blood by Lucinda Weeks

About the Author

I have been writing fiction as a hobby since I was eight. I’ve written as a ghostwriter for national magazine’s and websites. I have been a Christian believer in Jesus Christ for more than thirty years and began writing Christian fiction as a way of sharing Christ’s love, and to share with others the talent he gave me to write. I strive to write in a way that glorifies Christ first of all and to show in my writings of his divine love and mercy.

In 2005 I earned a degree in biblical studies from Ambassadors of Faith Christian Center and Seminary in Saint Joseph, Missouri which has helped enhance my Biblically based writings.

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