Walking the Talk by Jane Furcinite

Walking the Talk by Jane Furcinite

Walking the Talk by Jane Furcinite

From October 2009 to April 2017 Jane Furcinite wrote short inspiration articles for the Unity Chapel of Light newsletter know as “The Beacon.” She draws inspiration not only from the Bible but also from a multitude of sources including; Joel Goldsmith, Paramhansa Yoganandq, Eckhart Tolle, Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, Joseph Benner, Alan Cohen, Louise L. Hay, A Course in Miracles and much more

Walking the Talk by Jane Furcinite

About the Author

Jane was involved in churches for most of her life. She finally went to Unity Chapel of Light where she took on the writing of inspirational articles for the monthly newsletter. Some members requested copies of some of the articles so she had them put into a book form and now has made it available on Amazon

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