Wanderlust: Ballads of a Bard’s Journey by Adam Gooch

Wanderlust_ Ballads of a Bard's Journey by Adam Gooch

Wanderlust: Ballads of a Bard’s Journey by Adam Gooch

Discover a world of adventure and wisdom in “Wanderlust” This unique collection features original artwork accompanying each poem, bringing the words of the bard to life. Follow the bard on their journeys through a fantasy world filled with mythical creatures, legendary heroes, and ancient wisdom. Each poem is a tale of adventure and the lessons learned along the way. Perfect for fans of fantasy poetry and mythology.

Wanderlust: Ballads of a Bard’s Journey by Adam Gooch

About the Author

Adam Gooch is a skilled blacksmith by day and a creative force by night. In his free time, he indulges in his passions for poetry and gaming. As a fantasy genre enthusiast, he can often be found lost in the pages of mystical adventure novels or watching anime. With a strong appreciation for both the physical and imaginative worlds, Gooch brings a unique perspective to his craft.

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