WAR IN UKRAINE by Alex Kolis: The Trap in Kherson City

WAR IN UKRAINE by Alex Kolis_ The Trap in Kherson City

WAR IN UKRAINE by Alex Kolis: The Trap in Kherson City

This book is the author’s real story, which depicts the real stories of other people who found themselves in Russian occupation after February 24, 2022.

The events described in the book took place in the Ukrainian city of Kherson. Kherson is the only city in the regional center of Ukraine that was able to be occupied by Russian troops after the start of the invasion of Ukraine.

This story will help you understand how the war has changed the lives of civilians in this city and give you insight into surviving under occupation. It will also be helpful to all those interested in the events of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

WAR IN UKRAINE by Alex Kolis: The Trap in Kherson City

About the Author

Alex Kolis is a Ukrainian writer and author of WAR IN UKRAINE: The Trap in Kherson City. This book is the author’s real story, which depicts the real stories of other people who found themselves in Russian occupation after February 24, 2022.

Other books by the author: “WAR IN UKRAINE: Underwater,” “Chronicles of the Ukrainian Dam Disaster,” and “And the Silent Witnesses of the Catastrophe.”

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