When All Hope Is Lost by Alyce Elmore

When All Hope Is Lost by Alyce Elmore

When All Hope Is Lost by Alyce Elmore

When did history become her story. According to the Old One’s version of events, the pandemic of 2029, called the Desolation, didn’t bring about the change even though it killed all adult males. Nor was it the way the pandemic changed the male genome so that they never survived their twentieth birthday. The real change was brought about by Evelyn Perkins, the Saviour of the Greater Republic of Melbourne. But who was she really saving?

When All Hope Is Lost by Alyce Elmore

About the Author

Alyce Elmore got tired of being asked that question, deciding instead to write about it. Her short stories, novels, and plays search for answers by scavenging through time and place, exploring the real and the fantastic and along the way encountering the outrageous and the mundane. She has lived in major cities around the world, journeyed through jungles, hiked in the mountains and currently resides in an off grid shed in the middle of nowhere. To date, she has no answers, just lots of clues but she invites her readers to hitch a ride anyway because a search for the unknowable is in itself an enjoyable quest.

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