Wild Feelings By Joel Crumbley

Wild Feelings By Joel Crumbley

Wild Feelings By Joel Crumbley

Our feelings are very important to God, but they can easily get out of our control! Whether we are happy, sad, scared, surprised, or angry, our feelings can really get wild sometimes. That’s why we have Jesus! He wants to help guide our feelings to keep us focused on His love, and also teaches us to use our feelings for good. Feelings are a gift from God!

Philippians 4:6-7

Wild Feelings By Joel Crumbley

About the Author

Starting with a B.F.A. in Theatre Performance, and touring as an actor/director in children’s theatre around the U.S., Joel was able to work with children from all walks of life, teach them how storytelling can change the world, and let them freely express their energy in a safe and rewarding way. Joel then moved on to get an M.F.A. in Film Production, where he learned that though many technical skills are important and influence our ability to tell stories, the creative talent and vision are still absolutely vital to a piece’s success to impact its audience in any significant way. At Warner Media Studios (Turner Broadcasting), he did work for TNT, TBS, and HBO, and for almost 3 years he worked with Cartoon Network as a video editor, curating and refining his skills in children entertainment and storytelling for young audiences. He now enjoys his position at In Touch Ministries in Atlanta as a lead editor on their Children’s Program “Wondermore”, and he continues to work with children in the community every week to nurture and guide their mental and spiritual health.

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