Witnessing the Sacred by SS Rai 

Witnessing the Sacred by SS Rai

Witnessing the Sacred by SS Rai 

Witnessing The Sacred: Powerful Affirmations For Eternal Happiness And Success

#1.Witnessing the Sacred by SS Rai is a book on the life-changing journey of self-discovery and empowerment. The book offers readers a new fresh perspective on living life to the fullest. – Saby Reviews

#2.If you think your life is a mess, and you need to sort it out, pick up this book.-ibooksta

Witnessing the Sacred by SS Rai 

About the Author

S S Rai is an Indian author who lives in Delhi. He is an alumnus of the University of Delhi, the Indian Law Institute, and the Indian Institute of Management -Calcutta. Mr. Rai comes from a diversified upbringing encompassing rural, urban, and metropolitan life experiences, significantly impacting his thoughts and ideas. He holds a double master’s degree in science and law, which enables him to respond to various life scenarios rationally with a humane touch. To celebrate life and evolve to higher consciousness is his life’s goal. He believes that spirituality in everyday livingness can change the world, and he practices it to inspire people. Aside from his writing pursuits, Mr. Rai has a passion for reading books, writing articles, travelling, or otherwise; he loves lazing on the couch with his favourite cuisine while watching spy thriller movies. One can often find him at national and international conferences and socio-legal discourse forums as a people’s advocate.

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