Written to Die by Ann Simas (A Grace Gabbiano Mystery #10)

Written to Die by Ann Simas (A Grace Gabbiano Mystery #10)

Written to Die by Ann Simas

Grace and Aidan are newlyweds, but among their wedding gifts is a copy of the manuscript ME Doug Hacker is writing about her cases. When Grace goes back to work, she realizes she must be wrong. Her cases are secondary and Doug is the target. When that flops, she and the ME plan to meet at Surgery 10 to look at his autopsies.

That’s when the dark creature appears. Thinking it came in on Winken, Blinken, and Nod’s UFO changes everything. The problem is, wherever Grace goes, the creature is there, except for when she and the others meet in the church, It definitely doesn’t like anything to do with religion. From that moment on, everyone starts carrying crosses.

Grace starts thinking about ways to deter the creature and settles on exorcism, but how do you exorcise a dark creature?

Written to Die by Ann Simas

About the Author

Ann Simas lives in Oregon, but she is a Colorado girl at heart, having grown up in the beautiful Rocky Mountains. She has been an avid reader since childhood and penned her first fiction “book” in high school. She particularly likes to write mystery/suspense/thriller with a love story and paranormal or supernatural elements. She is a three-time RWA Golden Heart Finalist. Simas currently has 49 books in print. All are available in both paperback and in ebook format through Amazon or through the author.

An award-winning watercolorist and a budding photographer, Ann also enjoys needlework and gardening in her spare time. She is her family’s “genealogist” and has been blessed with the opportunity to conduct first-hand research in Italy for both her writing and her family tree. The genealogy research from decade’s old documents in Italian, she says, has been a supreme but gratifying challenge.

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