Yo Peko! Guess What By Julian Stokoe

Yo Peko! Guess What By Julian Stokoe

Yo Peko! Guess What By Julian Stokoe

Introducing “Yo Peko! Guess What?” – A Delightful Kids’ Picture Book!
“Yo Peko! Guess What?” is a charming picture book that takes kids on a whimsical journey to a farm full of surprises. When Farmer Blue leaves for a quick shopping trip, he gives Peko a simple message. But as the message gets passed around the farm, each animal adds their own silly twist, leading to a series of hilarious mix-ups. Will Farmer Blue really fly to the Moon on a pumpkin? Are mustard pies the next big thing? And what’s the surprise that has everyone buzzing? You’ll have to read to find out!
Why Kids Will Love It:
Engaging Story: A laugh-out-loud tale of miscommunication and imagination that keeps kids entertained from start to finish.
Colorful Characters: Meet Peko and his quirky farm friends, each bringing their own unique charm to the story.
Interactive Fun: Includes pages of fun learning activities like path puzzles and word finders to keep young minds engaged and entertained.
Valuable Lessons: Teaches the importance of listening carefully while celebrating the joy of storytelling gone wildly off-track.

Yo Peko! Guess What By Julian Stokoe

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