Transformed by Jokobus Windvogel
Transformed by Jokobus Windvogel “Transformed” is the latest installment in a series of books that explore the spiritual nature of transformation. Rather than being a political statement or worldly issue, transformation has always been and will continue to be a deeply spiritual process. This book is essential for any Christian seeking personal growth and a […]
The Autobiography of a Salaried Trader by P Jaca Part 1
The Autobiography of a Salaried Trader by P Jaca Escape the middle-class money trap! Start your journey towards financial freedom. This book is a dramatized account of real-life incidents that happened to the author on his journey to financial freedom. By the grace of God, the author has been able to successfully supplement his salary […]
1000 Times Over By Mary Harris
1000 Times Over By Mary Harris Will anyone just be REAL?!? Journey with me as I take off the mask to expose how I dealt with the trials and triumphs of my life. You will laugh & cry; cheer & be frustrated; and agree & disagree. You will not, however, be disappointed. Life can be […]
Poetry In Motion by Neal Sellers
Poetry In Motion by Neal Sellers Poetry In Motion (A Collection of Poetry, Rhyme & Song) Vol. 1, leaves the door ajar to enter into the creative of Neal Sellers. With poetry, rhyme and song, the Author elicits the gamut of emotions and feelings with musings of love, desire, acrimony, hope, happiness, sadness, surprise, guilt, […]
The Roots Grow Into the Earth by Bert S. Lechner – A Collection of Short Horror Stories
The Roots Grow Into the Earth by Bert S. Lechner Eldritch terrors, cosmic gods, and dark magic collide in this collection of nine short occult cosmic horror stories and novelettes. Dive into the first major publication by autistic author Bert S. Lechner and explore the macabre and surreal atmosphere he captured within these pages. All […]
The Redhead Who Loves Hemingway by Ivan Scott
The Redhead Who Loves Hemingway by Ivan Scott Professor George Callahan is a finalist for the Hemingway Historical Grant, which he hopes to win to further his research for the lost Hemingway manuscripts. Darcie Davenport is also a Hemingway fan, but her track record of being asked to leave colleges, accidental fires, and general mayhem […]
Elba memoir of an Capitalist by Lucas Alan Dietsche
Elba memoir of an Capitalist by Lucas Alan Dietsche A tale of life after a socialist revolution, Elba takes the reader on an interesting journey to the future. Using the unexpected tactic of telling the story through the eyes of a capitalist (Kehler), who is in a ‘reeducation camp,’ we get a glimpse of the […]
Enigmatic Fun by Craig Donovan: Riddles for Clever Kids
Enigmatic Fun by Craig Donovan Enigmatic Fun: Riddles for Clever Kids!” welcomes young adventurers to a captivating realm of mystery and amusement, where every page holds the promise of a thrilling journey. It’s more than just a book; it’s a passage through a maze of wit and wisdom, meticulously tailored for bright young minds like […]
Pancreatitis Recipe Guide by David M.Goldstein
Pancreatitis Recipe Guide by David M.Goldstein Welcome to the “Pancreatitis Recipe Guide,” a comprehensive journey through the culinary landscape explicitly tailored for those seeking solace and sustenance in the face of pancreatitis. Within these pages, we embark on a voyage that transcends the conventional boundaries of recipe compilations. This isn’t merely a collection of culinary […]
The Silly Adventures of Farty the Bunny by Frank Edward – A Hilarious Tale for Kids”
The Silly Adventures of Farty the Bunny by Frank Edward Once upon a time, in the rolling hills of Bunnylandia, there lived a bunny named Farty. Before you wrinkle your nose or cover your ears, let me assure you that Farty was not your average bunny. No, dear reader, Farty had a peculiar talent that […]